For this tutorial you can shoot your own RAW pictures or
you can use mine. You need to take 3 to 9 pictures with different
exposure of the same place. You need to use a tripod and make sure your
camera is very still. Search for a great place in high details and you
can explore this tutorial on your own images. I took 5 different
exposure of this locomotive, as you see.
cosmin Member since: Sep 2010
Now open adobe bridge ( You can do this from photoshop, go
to file > browse in bridge ) and navigate until you find the place
where you saved the raw files, select them and go to Tools >
Photoshop > Merge to HDR pro.
cosmin Member since: Sep 2010
After waiting a bit (until photoshop does some processing) a
new panel will appear. Here you are going to turn your image into HDR
(High Dynamic Range). Start by selecting the Monochromatic preset for
cosmin Member since: Sep 2010
Next set the value of details to 300%, you will see now a lot of details on the locomotive
cosmin Member since: Sep 2010
Use this settings next:
radius 160
strength 1,00
gamma 0,4,
exposure -0,15
shadow 0
highlight -100
vibrance -80
saturation -80
Look at my result.
cosmin Member since: Sep 2010
Now just take a look at a simple black and white photo and the HDR one.
cosmin Member since: Sep 2010
If I had a nice cloudy sky in my photos, this HDR would
have been perfect. But it’s not a problem, we can do miracles with
photoshop. Open the images you’ve downloaded with the sky and because
our HDR photo has 240 px/inch we need to make the sky picture bigger. Go
to Image > Image size and set the resolution to 240 px/inch, then
using the rectangle marque tool make a selection like me.
cosmin Member since: Sep 2010
Cut the selection with the sky and paste it into our
document. Scale the sky like I did (CTRL+T) and rename the layer "sky”.
cosmin Member since: Sep 2010
Now make the sky layer black and white, Image > Adjustments > Black & white and use my settings.
cosmin Member since: Sep 2010
Disable the Sky layer for now and using the polygonal lasso
tool or the pen tool make a selection like me, I like using polygonal
lasso tool. Make the selection as perfect as you can and if you want to
add another selection, after you’re done, hold down the shift key, you
will see a "+” along the polygonal lasso tool, take a look what I mean.
cosmin Member since: Sep 2010
Make the sky layer visible again, and add a layer mask like
I did. Now we just need to make the sky to look original.
cosmin Member since: Sep 2010
Disable the sky layer again and using the magic wand tool
select multiple branches, holding shift. Try to select like I did then
click on refine edge. Set the view on black, check smart radius, set it
to 1 px and "draw” over the marked area.
cosmin Member since: Sep 2010
Make the sky visible again, select the mask and paint over
the branches selection with black. You can use different opacity of a
soft rounded brush, check my result.
cosmin Member since: Sep 2010
For the next effect we need to change the image mode from
16 bits to 8 bits, go to Image > Mode > 8 bits /channel. Then add
a new layer, call it film grain. Hold down CTRL and click on the mask
to make a selection then fill it with black on the film grain layer.
cosmin Member since: Sep 2010
You can deselect now (CTRL+D) and go to filter >
artistic > film grain (grain 10, highlight 0, intensity 5) then set
the blending mode to soft light.
cosmin Member since: Sep 2010
Duplicate the Sky layer (CTRL + J) and go to Filter >
Stylize > Glowing edges (edge width 1, brightness 20, smothness 7)
and set the blending mode to screen.
cosmin Member since: Sep 2010
Duplicate the background layer, set the blending to overlay and the opacity to 80%.
cosmin Member since: Sep 2010
Let’s turn our HDR image into an inspirational poster.
First you need to crop like I did ( because we have areas outside the
canvas we need to cut them off), then double click the background layer
to unlock it.
cosmin Member since: Sep 2010
Go to Image > Canvas size ( I use centimeters so add 4
cm to width and 4cm to height), check the relative box. Go again to
Image > Canvas size but now click on the top middle arrow and set the
height to 4 cm (this will add another 4 cm to the bottom).
cosmin Member since: Sep 2010
Add a new layer under the background layer and fill it with
black, you can call the layer "black background”. Add a new layer on
top of the black one and call it frame, hold down CTRL and click the
background layer to make a selection. Go to Select > Modify >
Expand the selection with 30 px and fill it with white.
cosmin Member since: Sep 2010
Hold Down CTRL again and click on the background layer and
expand the selection only with 20 px. When the selection is done hit
delete on the frame layer and you should get something like I did.
cosmin Member since: Sep 2010
Using the font you’ve downloaded type, on the bottom "OLD
MUSCLE”, a size of 100pt it’s enough. Now keep only the "O” and "E” with
100pt size and the other letters to 72pt, like I did.
cosmin Member since: Sep 2010
Right click on the text layer and go to rasterize type.
Using the Rectangle Marquee tool make a selection around the small
letters. Select your move tool and drag the letter upper like I did. You
can make the text a bit bigger (Sale it CTRL+T, Hold down shift for
cosmin Member since: Sep 2010
Draw a 10 px weight line (hold shift for a straight line)
under the smaller letters. Using Arial or Helvetica, type under the line
"The power of steam”, use a small size.