As requested, the hologram-reciever!
Step 1 On a new
document, create a dark-red background and on a new layer, create a
light-red circle;
Step 2 Give it a large
black inner glow and lower the opacity;
Step 3 Place an empty
layer UNDER your circle and merge the 2 together; Then press V, and
while holding ALT, press DOWN a few times. Then merge all the layers
EXCEPT the original, and place the original on top. Then select the
merged layer and press CTRL+U and darken the merged layer. This will
make it look 3d;
Step 4 Create a
smaller circle inside the large one with a darker red;
Step 5 Add a larger
circle below all the other circles with a red gradient;
Step 6 Practice the
same effect as you did with the 3d-effect on the other circle, on this
Step 7 After creating a
hell of a lot circles, create one more;
Step 8 And create a
white one on top of it and press CTRL+G and move it down a little;
Step 9 Select it, then
open a new layer and press D; Then go to Filter>Render>Clouds
and press CTRL+U and change the color to blue;
Step 10 Create a grey
shape like shown below;
Step 11 Practice the
3d-effect done before on this object;
Step 12 Position it on
the sides of the small circle and duplicate the layer; Then flip it
Step 13 Create a grey
triangle-shape as shown below;
Step 14 Position it
down; Then dupliucate it, flip it vertically and add the 3d again;
Step 15 Make a
triangular shaped selection and add a blue-transparent gradient;
Step 16 Give it a Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur and delete
everything that passes outside the blue circle at the bottom;
Step 17 Then add your
hologram and other stuff, and you're done!
Источник: http://www.mickm.com/tutorial/149-Hologram-Reciever |