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день валентино,урок без перевода

Happy Valentine’s Day Text

February 7th, 2008 by ART-D Posted in Adobe Photoshop, Designing

In this tutorial we will create text "Happy Valentine’s Day” from a lot of hearts.

Final Image Preview

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Begin your work by creating a new file that would have 1280×800 px and 72 dpi.

Next step we have to write the holiday congratulation text, keeping the same parameters from the table below:

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Using the Custom Shape Tool (U), it’s possible to introduce several small hearts on the made picture, selected out of the next table and positioned above the written text.

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

The first heart’s layer has the color #C00B21

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Select the next demonstrated parameters by making a mouse click on the layer we work with on the layers’ panel. Blending Options>Outer Glow

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Blending Options>Inner Glow

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Blending Options>Stroke

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

The next heart’s layer will contain a small highlight made with the color #D90000. The element is possible to draw applying the Ellipse Tool (U). Firstly we’ll have to make the basis for the new element and then press Alt button to cut out the unnecessary zones, selecting the same tool.

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Select the same technology and the same instrument to represent a white highlight this time.

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3 Make a copy of the last layer containing the white highlight and choose later Free Transform selection to situate the copy the same way shown below:

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Combine in a group all the layers composing the heart (Press Ctrl button to mark out the corresponding layers and then hold on the left mouse’s button to take the marked layers on Create a new group option). Make two copies of this new made group, but change the parameters for the copies’ layers and use also the Free Transform option to position them the way from next picture.

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

The parameters for the heart "COPY 1” The first layer: Blending Options>Inner Shadow

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Blending Options>Outer Glow

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Blending Options>Inner Glow

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Blending Options>Gradient Overlay

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Gradient’s parameters:

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Blending Options>Stroke

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

The highlight’s color is #D47FA0.
The parameters for the heart "COPY 2”. The first layer has the color #961A24.
The highlight’s color is #A00004.
Merge Down
the layers of each group for getting finally the same layer that is possible to see next image (CTRL+E). Make many copies of the made hearts and place the copies the way from below, applying for this operation Free Transform option, as usually.

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Choose next step the Pen Tool (P) to represent a small leaf, which shape is possible to change, applying the Convert Point Tool.

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

The layer’s parameters: Blending Options>Gradient Overlay

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Gradient’s parameters:

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Try to make one more type of leaf. This time make a copy of the earlier made leaf and select Add Anchior Point Tool to insert two tops. Their shape is possible to correct with the Convert Point Tool. The new layer’s parameters are the same with the previous layer. Place this layer on the layers’ panel under the layer containing the heart.

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Using the same method we did with the hearts’ layers, try to Merge Down this time the layers belonging to those two leaves, getting new ones (CTRL+E). Make many copies of the hearts’ layers, placing the copies above the text’s letters. The leaves’ layers should be placed under the hearts. The same letters should be copied out by marking out the letters’ layers when pressing Ctrl button and then press CTRL+E. Make a copy of the last layer.

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

The blanks may be filled with a bow. The tool that we have to choose in this case is the Pen Tool (P) and Convert Point Tool will serve as a method of making the necessary corrections.

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

The layer’s parameters: Fill 0%
Blending Options>Gradient Overlay

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Gradient’s parameters:

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

The layer’s parameters: Fill 0%
Blending Options>Drop Shadow

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Blending Options>Gradient Overlay is the same with the previous layer:

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3 The layer’s parameters: Fill 0%
Blending Options>Gradient Overlay

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Gradient’s parameters:

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Make a copy of the last made layer and select Free Transform option to turn the copy over and then insert the parameter indicated next: Blending Options>Drop Shadow

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Now we have to make a copy of the both bow’s halves on the left side, using again Free Transform (Flip Horizontal) selection.

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

The Pen Tool (P) will be helpful again in representing the last bow’s layer:

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

The layer’s parameters: Fill 0%
Blending Options>Drop Shadow

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

The parameter Blending Options>Gradient Overlay is the same with the previous bow’s layers:

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

Merge Down on this stage all the bow’s layers into a single one (CTRL+E). Make as many copies of the last layer as the number of the blanks in the letters is. Free Transform option should be used for changing the sizes of the bow’s copies if necessary. Place them the same way indicated below. We may hide or even move off the layer containing the text we have written at the beginning of our work and above we have made the entire composition.

Create Happy Valentine Day Wallpaper in Photoshop CS3

The final result!

View full size here.

Источник: http://www.adobetutorialz.com/articles/2937/1/Happy-Valentine%27s-Day-Text
Категория: уроки все | Добавил: yana (12.02.2010)
Просмотров: 1170 | Теги: день валентина, валентинки | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
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