Valentine’s Day greeting card
January 18th, 2007 by ART-D Posted in Adobe Photoshop, Drawing Techniques
Final Image Preview
First open a new file that would have 450×450 px and 72 dpi. Then paint it with the shown color – 01062E.
Take now this tool and represent an ellipse colored with this color’s code: B9B9B9.
Blending Options-Outer Glow
Take after that the usual instrument for selecting the necessary figure from the table below.
Take then another instrument and make the necessary corrections on the heart figure.
Blending Options-Gradient Overlay
Gradient’s parameters:
Blending Options-Stroke
Now we should take the next tool to represent on the upper heart’s part a small luminescence that would make the heart look lighter on that part.
Now make a click on this option represented here
and the commands will be applied in the figure’s limits.
Fill 9% on the layers
The layer’s Opacity should be of 63%.
Blending Options-Gradient Overlay
Gradient’s parameters:
Select now the next instrument shown here and draw a small flare on the left half of our heart.
Fill 0% on the layers.
Blending Options-Gradient Overlay
Gradient’s parameters:
Using the previous instrument, we can represent another flare, this time on the right half of the same heart figure.
Fill 38% on the layers.
Blending Options-Gradient Overlay
Gradient’s parameters:
Select the same instrument to draw an element that will give the sensation of volume on the left lowest heart’s part. It should have this color – E93E2A.
Introduce now the congratulation text on our illustration to be. You
may see the necessary demands for the text in the table below.
Take now the following tool and insert the illustration a frame.
This time Fill 0% on the layers.
Blending Options-Stroke